Marietta Wild Horse and Burro Range

Marietta Wild Horse and Burro Range

This 68,000-acre range in Nevada is the country’s only dedicated habitat for wild burros. It’s home to approximately 85 burros, which roam freely near the ruins of the historic Nevada mining town of Marietta. The range is in a remote but spectacular area of western Nevada, just north of the state’s highest mountain, Boundary Peak. Getting There: Visitors from southern Nevada drive past Tonopah on the way to Hawthorne before turning off on State Route 360 to find a graded dirt road leading into the burro range.

Marietta Wild Burro Range

“Located in Mineral County, Nevada, Marietta is the Nation’s first formally recognized Wild Burro Range. The 68,000-acre range is managed for between 78-104 wild burros (Equus asinus asinus). The burros roam freely near the ruins of the historic Nevada mining town of Marietta and the seasonally changing Teels Marsh. The Marietta Wild Burro Range was publicly dedicated in 1991– the 20th anniversary of passage of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. Designation as a Wild Burro Range means the area may be managed “principally”, but not necessarily exclusively, for wild burros. This is a national designation conferred by the Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). One reason for this area’s designation as a range is the unique opportunity available for public viewing of the herd and its habitat. The range is located south east of Hawthorne, Nevada. The area includes nearly 66,500 acres of public land. Patented mining claims around Teels Marsh and the Marietta mining district account for 1,500 acres of private lands within the area.

Enjoy viewing the burros, but DO NOT attempt to chase or feed them. Take along a pair of binoculars to see the burros “UP CLOSE”. Some of the property in Marietta is private. The residents would appreciate your respect. Leave things as you find them, and take all your own trash with you. You’re Way Out There, So Plan Ahead and Be Safe! The closest town to Marietta is Mina, Nevada approximately 30 miles to the north on Highway 95. Unlike the wild burro, you will not have time to adapt to the ever-changing environment. Take food, plenty of drinking water (two gallons per person per day), warm clothes and a hat. Check your vehicle’s spare tire and fuel gauge before venturing down the dirt roads. Lastly, this is an old mining district. Open mine shafts, shaky buildings, unstable rock ruins and rattlesnakes are common. LOOK before you STEP, TOUCH or CAMP.”

This Location:

Central, Nevada



