Unique Places to Stay in Nevada

Sure, you’ve stayed in some memorable places. But not like ours. From mountaintop yurts and off-grid cabins to haunted Wild West hotels and oddly themed motels (aliens or clowns, anyone?)—and maybe even a former-bordello B&B or two thrown in for good measure—Nevada’s accommodation options are anything but average.

Whether you stay in a haunted hotel, caboose, a castle, or a ghost town cottage, these unique retreats guarantee stories to send home—the moment you check into the room. So pack your camera and a sense of adventure, and get ready for the kind of overnight experiences that can only happen here.


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Ready to Start Planning?

Whether it’s the newest item on your bucket list or the best wrong turn you ever took, whichever corner of this state you venture to, you’re bound to uncover the kind of unexpected encounters, memorable characters, and only-in-Nevada experiences that make this place so damn special. Get your hands on stunning images, surprising stories, colorful characters, do-before-you-die events, and beyond. And just to sweeten the deal, in addition to sending you our official Nevada Magazine & Visitor Guide, we’ll throw in our swanky state map, too.

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Off-the-Grid Overnighters, Oddball Hotels, and Historic Haunts

As the home of some of the most famous boomtowns in history, Nevada’s Wild West stories come alive in haunted hotels in Nevada’s “living” ghost towns. Stay at spooky old hospitals-turned-art-galleries and other historic haunts—including some that paranormal investigators consider “active” enough to be portals to the underworld—or spend an evening with the infamous Lady in Red, a spectral “guest” at a swanky old mining-era hotel who never really checked out.

Nevada’s also got its fair share of themed hotels—and don’t worry, they all ooze with #WeirdNevada wonderment. For instance, if you love clowns enough to stay in a motel adorned with literally hundreds of them—next to a haunted, historic cemetery, no less—or are simply morbidly curious enough to check it out, hightail it to Tonopah.

A handmade concrete castle near Austin, an out-of-this-world Area 51-area trailer cluster, and a few former-bordello B&Bs are just a handful of our other offbeat options. Point is, if you’re stoked to stay somewhere that’ll earn you some serious stories, Nevada’s got you covered.

Looking to overnight it in some of the Silver State’s best kept secret spots? Explore Nevada ghost towns by day, then spend the night in guest rooms crafted from original miners’ cabins. Snag a truly “elevated” experience in a yurt among Elko’s alp-like Ruby Mountains, a cool 10,000 feet above sea level. Or even post up for the night in off-grid BYO-everything cabins where it’s just you, your campmates, and maybe even a resident band of wild burros—along with a woodburning stove and a nearby river of natural hot springs beneath a few million stars.


Seriously—If part of your trip includes staying at a clown-themed hotel, or stucco castle in the desert, it needs to be documented. Bring us along for the ride and tag #TravelNevada, and if we love it, you may find it featured here.

Nothing says social distancing like staying in a tipi deep in the desert 🌵. Located in Nevada's Mojave Desert, sandyvalleyranchnv is a Wild West haven that brings out the cowboy (or girl) in all guests. Explore the wide-open spaces and learn more about our Ranch getaways. Link in bio.
#ranchhouse #ranchers #ranchliving #ranchlifestyle #ranchwork #justranchin #ranchvacation #guestranch #rancher #ranching #mojavedesert #nevada #nevadadesert #sandyvalleyranch #findyouryonder
Oh, just casually droning from a castle in the desert. I love my job. Also, this is my favorite band photo ever. (Scroll)
Just wrapped an epic film for @matadornetwork and @travelnevada. Stay tuned!
Is Nevada on your bucket list? It should be!
#GlobalGirlTravels #drone #aerial #dji #mavicpro @fromwhereidrone @djiglobal @droneoftheday @discovererdrone #fromwhereidrone #droneoftheday #discoverdrone #nevada #travelstoke #dontfencemein #travel #pilot #view #adventure #mountains #nv #filmmaker
#FlashbackFriday: The #SpiritOfTravel takes us to a place known for its wandering spirits: mizpahhotel in tonopahnevada, voted the #1 most Haunted Hotel in the U.S. two years in a row! 👻👻 #NTTW20 (📷: Mizpah Hotel)
Stop us if you’ve heard this one before – a man moves to Las Vegas as a professional casino wallpaper installer, hits it big on a jackpot, and uses his winnings to BUY AN ENTIRE GHOST TOWN. ✨💁🏻‍♂️🎰🎉💰👻
Gold Point may not exist today if not for the efforts of Herb Robbins and his partners, Chuck and Walt Kremin. History buffs and ghost town aficionados, they’ve lovingly preserved what remains of this boom-and-bust community. Pack an overnight bag and settle into an original miner’s cabin at the Gold Point Ghost Town B&B, which features family-style dinners and a saloon that’s just aces. The stargazing in these parts ain’t too shabby either. 😉🌠
#TravelNevada #NVGhostTown #OffTheGrid #HowToNevada #Roadtrippers #NVRoadTrip #WeekendAdventure #RoadTripUSA #WishIWasHere #GhostTown #HomeMeansNevada
Stop #8 on our Virtual Road Trip is the Mackay Mansion in Virginia City, Nevada! Get a feel for an Old West mining town at one of the only original structures to survive an 1875 fire. Ever wonder here the Hearst family got their money? Click the link in bio to learn more and follow us as we map the connections to our next stop. Let’s go! 🚘
Fly in, glamp out! Thanks, @melindaschnyder, for including Ruby 360 Lodge in Lamoille, Nevada, in your roundup of winter glamping spots!

#NVTourism @aopa #airplane #pilots https://t.co/er6HTKSLvi
In honor of World UFO Day 🛸 
Flashback to last summer’s incredible Roadtrip to Rachel, Nevada: The UFO Capital of the world, population 50!  In the middle of nowhere and the closest town to Area 51 👽
The truth is out there!
#adventuretime #adventureseeker #roadtrips #dirtroads #roadtripping #restaurantmarketing #roadtripusa #ufohunters #scenicview #aliens #aliensarereal #conspiracytheory #thrillseekers #truth💯 #thrillseeker #tinytown #aliens👽 #middleofnowhere #alien #scifi #area51 #ethighway #extraterrestrial #explorenevada #rachelnv #alienstock #aliensarereal #ufosighting #worldufoday #roadtripping #roadtrippers #roadtriptv
We had a nice relaxing overnight stay in caliente. #travelnevada #calientehotspringsmotel
Happy Memorial Day 🤡
• Do you have Coulrophobia? *Irrational fear of clowns
• I visited the World Famous The Clown Motel. It has been in Tonopah, NV for over 35 years. 🤡
• There are over 600 clowns on the property. Siblings, Leona and LeRoy David built the motel. Their dad was killed in the 1911 Belmont Mine Fire and is buried in the cemetery right next to the motel. 🤡
• #clowns #clown #tonopah #nevada #clownmotel #scary #haunted #cemetery #mining #gold #fire
Спонтанная поездка в Неваду 🚍🏜Час на сборы. Питание в придорожных кафе 🍟🍻🐷 кормление диких осликов ночью. Незабываемо 😁😊 #вдалиотцивилизации #вдалиотсуеты #californiaadventure #nevada #beattynevada
