Edith Palmer’s Country Inn & Cider Factory

Edith Palmer’s Country Inn & Cider Factory

Edith Palmer’s Country Inn was established in a Victorian home built in 1863. Originally, the home and a rock building to the rear were used as a cider factory.  Edith Palmer, a renowned cook and innkeeper, started the Inn after she bought the property in 1948.

In the year 2000, current owners Pat and Leisa Findley began reconstructing and rejuvenating the Inn. Reopening in June of 2003, the Inn along with the rock room which is now, appropriately, the Cider Factory Restaurant are joined by the two adjacent Victorian Houses to complete the property.  A fourth building is currently being renovated and when finished, will also be included as part of the Inn. Rooms in the house are named after women important to the Inn, or to the owners, Pat and Leisa.

Experience the magic of Virginia City’s illustrious history by staying in a piece of living history itself!


For more detailed information on availability, pricing, and how to reserve your room in this historic hotel,  dial 775-847-7070 or visit edithpalmers.com.

This Location:

Northwestern, Nevada

