
Buckaroo Traditions Gathering

Buckaroo Traditions Gathering
Northern Nevada
Northern NV
Races & Spectator Sports

Bringing together the best buckaroos from across the United States, the Buckaroo Traditions Gathering showcases big loop roping and cattle handling skills. More than 70 men and women compete at this annual Winnemucca event that honors the real-life work carried out by buckaroos across the Great Basin for the last 150 years.

Over a three-day weekend, single and team competitors vie for prizes, money, and bragging rights. Contests include three-man and one-man doctoring, goat and cow roping, and a ranch horse show that features cutting and box, fence, and steer stop demonstrations. Sunday culminates in the Top Hand Big Loop Finals, putting the highest level of horsemanship and stockmanship skills on display while roping and handling cattle in a four-part competition. A panel of highly qualified judges look at horsemanship, sportsmanship, the size of their loop and its distance thrown, the handling of their slack, their dally control, rodear and cattle control, and style to determine the ultimate winners.

In addition to competitions, attendees can shop from a variety of vendors and visit numerous resource booths. Tickets are $5 per day for anyone 12 years and older. If you’d rather skip the entrance line and get to the fun sooner, single-day tickets and full weekend passes can be reserved online.

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