Harrison Pass

Harrison Pass

Located at the south end of the Ruby Mountains, these four-wheel drive trails will provide ample opportunity for wildlife viewing and scenic mountain vistas. Riders are reminded to stay on existing routes.

Difficulty: All levels

Getting There: From Elko, take Hwy. 227 toward Spring Creek. Turn right at the light and drive toward South Fork Recreation Area (Hwy. 228 south). Continue through Jiggs. Turn left on Harrison Pass Rd. (42 miles from Elko). Corral Creek Harrison Pass Rd. winds up to the pass at 7,247’in elevation overlooking Ruby Valley and the Ruby Marshes.

Getting There: Five miles south of Elko on State Route 228 to Jiggs. Trail begins three miles past Jiggs, where blacktop ends.

This Location:

Northern Nevada, Nevada




Northern Nevada